
Lavish and Lucious Sheer Wired Ribbon

Lavish (wire edged) 1-1/2" x 50 yd. Ribbon. Lavish Ribbon is our Eco-friendly Wired Edge Chiffon Organdy Ribbon. Lavish's wired edge is made from green plastics and not metals. Nonetheless, the outcome remains the same, with the bows' wired edge features, this ribbon can be constructed into a full bodied bow. Our wired edge ribbon is perfect for your gift packaging and gift basket industry as it adds value to your premium and gourmet products.

Luscious (wire edged) 1-1/2" x 50 yd. Ribbon. Luscious is a Wired Edge Satin ribbon with shiny, silky and lustrous material on one side, and taffeta on the other. This Single-Face satin wired edge ribbon is often transformed into a pre-tied bow for packaging gift baskets and gift wrapping products, as this wired edge ribbon can build and maintain a bigger and fuller bow form.